981Orphaned at birth, Jean abandons his wife and infant child, believing that he is protecting them from his criminal double life. On the run, his frant -
714一只忠实的警犬和他的人类警官主人在工作过程中不幸受伤,一场大胆的手术融合了两者,神探狗狗诞生了!神探狗狗誓要尽职尽责——拿起、坐下和翻身,同时也要追捕他的宿敌:超级恶棍猫咪佩蒂。然而这一切在克隆小猫咪小佩蒂的到来后完全颠覆。 -
黑雪 第二季
8891995年,17岁的伊莎贝尔·贝克被谋杀,这起案件震惊了阿什福德小镇,也摧毁了伊莎贝尔所在的澳大利亚南海岛民社区。这起案件从未侦破,凶手也从未落网。15年后,伊莎贝尔高中时期埋下的时间胶囊揭开了一个秘密,悬案侦探詹姆斯·科马克(Travis Fimmel饰)决定追查凶手。 -
144Cami is sent to a secluded religious center by her father, who mistakes her condition for sex addiction. Unbeknownst to them, a murderer targets the f